Happy May! A new month is here and so it is time for a new FREE DESKTOP WALLPAPER for a new month. If you are a member of my mailing list then keep an eye on your inbox as an email is on it's way to you today with the link to download this pretty desktop wallpaper. If you'd like this wallpaper and would also like to stay on my mailing list, here's a link to where to sign up. Please remember to tick the little box to stay subscribed: artworkbyangie.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe IMPORTANT NOTE ON DATA & PRIVACY... As most email inboxes across Europe know only too well, this month the data protection laws change to GDPR. Which means there have been some updates to the privacy policy on this site, which you can view here: Read my privacy policy Also, anyone on my mailing list that did not sign up using the sign-up form to opt in, will be removed from my list this month. If that's you and you'd like to stay subscribed, you'll also need to use that form on the link above and tick the little stay subscribed box. Now that's the matter of fact stuff out of the way, here come some lovely, bright and colourful new designs to help get us all in the mood for summer!.... Last month I mentioned that I loved the idea of the #100dayproject over on Instagram, but was concerned that it would be a bit tough to do 100 consecutive days, as I have lots of different projects on the go. It seemed too big a commitment to do both the challenge and keep on top of everything else. Not wanting to be totally defeated, I decided to do my own version of it. I want to do 100 days of creating something on a wildlife and nature theme from around the world. It may take considerably longer than 100 consecutive days, but like the tortoise in Aesops fable, slow and steady can get you across the finish line...eventually! I've started with hot tropical places because it's been so cold and dreary lately, it's my way of getting some form of summer into my life and hopefully share that vibe with everyone who sees my work develop too. This blog post shares some of the images I've been working on throughout April and I will continue to work on through the next few months... Some of the designs are gradually finding their way onto my Society 6 Store and are ready to buy, printed on demand, on all sorts of homewares and accessories... I am throughly enjoying this project and am looking forward to developing and sharing more this coming month... To see the new designs as they develop, here is where you can follow me over on Instagram: www.instagram.com/angie_spurgeon/ To find these new designs on all kinds of everything over at my Society 6, here is a link: society6.com/angiespurgeon I hope you enjoyed seeing how this new work develops.
Have a lovely month! Best wishes Angie
Happy April & Happy Easter! This month I want to share some of the recent designs I've done with an Easter theme. These new designs are now available to retailers at wholesale prices, via the publisher I work with, Art Eco Designs . It's a bit late for this year, but these will also be available from my Etsy and Folksy shops in time for next Easter..... In the meantime, I'm letting their sugary sweet colours fill my blog in the hope that they will brighten your day... March was a very busy and chaotic month, what with all the snow days causing disruption to work and family life. It feels very good to see the spring flowers now, like a new beginning. I've been working on lots of graphics commissions this past month whilst trying to keep adding to my licensing portfolio. I am hoping that April will be a month of more opportunity to create more portfolio work. With that in mind, I want to create something new everyday to put it out on my Instagram. I've been interested in some of the 100 day Instagram challenges I've seen, mostly starting in April, in the past couple of years. I'm not sure I want to be brave enough to declare a 100 days challenge as that makes it big and scary and very off putting. So I'm just going to start with focusing on trying to create something nature themed each day throughout April, no matter how small, in an effort to make each little thing add up. I like the idea of small progress each day adding up to big leaps forward. We shall see - but those are my plans for this shiny new month and I look forward to at least having a go!... Talking of a shiny new month. It's time to reveal my FREE April desktop wallpaper for my lovely email subscribers. It had to be the bunnies and chicks this month!... If you would like to get one for your desktop, here is a link to where to join my mailing list. JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE Have a wonderful week & a Very Happy Easter! Best wishes Angie |