Happy July! New month means a new desktop wallpaper! With all the gardens in full summer bloom, my little guinea pig loves watching all the jugs get filled with the pretty colours of the Sweet Williams and Fuchsias. If you would like to get this FREE desktop wallpaper, then here's a link to where to join my mailing list: JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE Looking back at June, it has been a month tinged with sadness for our family. At the beginning of the month my Father-In-Law peacefully passed away. It was expected, however saying goodbyes to loved ones at this time of lockdown brings with it extra challenges - my heart goes out to everyone who has also had to experience this at this time. I've always wanted to keep this space to be about celebrating the lovely things in life. With that in mind, I would like to share a little poem in remembrance of my Father-In-Law, Fred. Fred loved literature and enjoyed writing poetry. In his younger years, he had some of his poetry published. This poem of his, written sometime in the late 1960s/early 70s, is my favourite... The Sparrow I am a little sparrow, Been a'sparrowing all day long; But I'm beginning to worry about nature, 'Cos it seems to me something's gone wrong. Whatever that old farmer's a'spraying down onto his ground, May be all right for his bean crop, -but experienced sparrows have found That there aren't quite so many small midges, -nor creepedy crawlingy things' That make up the diet of sparrows; -and other small folk - that have wings. So us sparrows have had a discussion, And decided that what all this means - is If you really want to have sparrows; Perhaps you must eat - smaller beans. That poem always made me smile and now it will more than ever. That's the gift of creativity - when you create something you leave a little piece of your heart behind for loved ones to treasure and pass on. Funnily enough, that little poem gave me the confidence to create this month, in spite of everything. I want to make my ideas real and leave footprints behind, as I now know that they have value at least as a legacy to be treasured by those close to me, and that makes it more than worthwhile - thank you for teaching me that Fred!... So here's what I created in June - new gift wraps. The budgie pattern was the new pattern I created and the other patterns I adapted to be printed on gift wraps, although I had created them earlier for fabrics... There are four new wraps: - Budgies - Toucans and Parrots - Strawberry Patch - Beekeeping All of which are now listed in my Etsy and Folksy shops... I hope that you all have a great July!
Stay safe and take care! Best wishes