Happy May! On this month's wallpaper there's lots of cheerful chirping in hedgerows as the hawthorn blooms with May blossom and the birds gather in admiration. Can you spot the Dunnock, Chaffinch, Wren and Blue Tit? If you would like to get this FREE desktop wallpaper, then here's a link to where to join my mailing list: JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE Last month I took a bit of a break from social media and was quietly getting on with developing a new collection of illustration prints for my Etsy shop. I had this collection in mind last summer, while working on my language of flowers and nature guides to Moon Phases and Zodiac Constellations illustrations. The idea being to merge the two collections with a unique set of prints for my Etsy, and ultimately also for my Folksy, Society 6 and Redbubble shops. It just required some quiet focussed time to sit down and get it done. Thankfully, April provided the opportunity to do that, so I am delighted to showcase all 12 of the Zodiac Flowers illustrations here... I hope you enjoyed having a closer look at
each of the illustrations in this new collection. Wishing you a very lovely May! Best wishes