Happy New Year! A fresh year begins with the promise of hope and opportunity for each star sign, through each phase of the moon. My wish upon these stars is that 2022 is a healthy, peaceful and happy year for all! If you would like to get this FREE desktop wallpaper, then here's a link to where to join my mailing list: JOIN MY MAILING LIST HERE Over at my Etsy shop there are still some 2022 calendars and wall planners in stock to help you plan a great new year... Also over at my Etsy shop for the first two weeks of January, I will be running a big 20% off sale which includes many of my wall art prints, to help ease the cost of freshening up walls for a change of scene. Throughout this blog post I have included some images of prints included in this sale offer... So that was 2021 then! What a weird year it has been. It doesn't feel much like a full year has flown by, mainly because we were in lockdown for many months at the beginning of the year. Yet in some ways it feels like it was never ending. It really has been the most extraordinary and testing of times and yet here we are, getting on with life, enjoying creativity and nature. In amongst the challenges there is a lot to be grateful for. For me, the biggest things I am grateful for as we leave 2021 behind for the history books, is that the vaccination programme has lowered the risks of Covid so that we can be with our family and friends again. I am also grateful for my health and surviving 2020 and 2021 in business. None will ever be taken for granted! The best Christmas gift for me was seeing my 87 year old mother-in-law tuck into her Christmas lunch at our dining table again, no shielding for her this year! With that in mind my biggest thank you for 2021 is for all those in the NHS and the volunteers in the vaccination roll out. Your hard work and sacrifice has enabled so many families to reunite and enjoy Christmas, birthdays, weddings and anniversaries together once again... I really need to say some more thank yous as we say goodbye to 2021... To everyone who purchased items from my online shops, or bought items with my designs on in bricks and mortar shops across the UK - a massive heartfelt THANK YOU! I can't do this without you, each purchase you make means everything to me! Also THANK YOU to those of you who left fantastic reviews on my Etsy and Folksy shops after your purchase. Good reviews help online sellers so much - this year I reached 'Star Seller' status on Etsy. That can only be achieved through excellent feedback, I am so grateful that you took the time and trouble to help me achieve that, it means so much. To all my amazing clients (you all know who you are if you are reading this)... THANK YOU! We've survived two rollercoaster years muddling through all the changes and challenges, helping each other along the way. I am looking forward to many more years collaborating on fantastic projects together. To everyone who has followed and supported my social media efforts this year: Thank you! Thank you! The struggle is REAL with social media. Every single like and comment you have given me this year has been deeply appreciated... Lastly, thank you to everyone on my mailing list, your continued support inspires me to keep going. I love creating a new desktop wallpaper for you each month. It has become a 'must do' appointment in my diary every month, and has enabled me to create some of my favourite designs and collections over the past few years. It's a great way to ignite new ideas and create a starting point for new designs.
I wish you all a very wonderful January Best wishes
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